alexis the g

Finding Your Personal Style

Personal Style is one of those things that if you don’t give it the right attention, it will never be a priority. It’s like working a 9-5 your entire life, knowing you’re meant to be pursuing something else but choosing to follow the crowd instead. Defining your personal style is one step in being authentic to yourself! These simple changes will get you on the right path to finding a style that is perfectly YOU…

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Stop chasing trends 

Not every trend will resonate with your personal style, that means resisting the temptation to follow them all. Trends make it easy to get lost in the crowd by dressing like everyone else. It’s okay to try a trend you like but remember just because something is popular doesn’t mean it will flatter your body or reflect your personality in a genuine way.

I stood farrrr away from the clear heels trend for a while because I have chubby toes & those heels make them look like pigs in a blanket! lol but I finally found a pair that worked for me. I never felt like I was missing out though because I stood true to myself and never caved in until the right pair came along.


Don’t be afraid to look bad

When experimenting with your style you’re bound to try some things that don’t work for you. It will take some trial and error before you find your style so don’t be afraid to look silly. At least you’ll know what’s not for you next time!

Also, you can’t be afraid of what others think. Take this top for example, it’s super high-fashion & unique. I love it! But some people would think it’s weird. If I cared what they thought I wouldn’t wear half the things I love that make me feel good!


Colors, textures, patterns, length, cut and everything in between should be tested when experimenting with fashion. That doesn’t mean blow through your checking, but play dress up. Next time you go to your favorite store, give yourself an extra half hour. Grab all the things you normally would pass up on because “you’re thighs are too fat” or “that color is too bright” and try it all anyway. You might be shocked that you just needed the right garment to convince you.

Research, Research, Research

Find out what your body type is called and the shapes that flatter it. Do your googles and find out the name of your favorite style top that’s kind of a turtle neck but slouchy-ish (cowl neck) so that you know exactly what to shop for when perfecting your wardrobe.

Create inspiration boards

I use Instagram bookmarks for this now & it’s a life saver! You can go old school & use magazines but the key is to categorize your inspiration into style folders (punk, city chic, boho, street etc). Take note of what you’re repeatedly attracted to. Your personal style is most likely a unique mix of these categories.

Don’t relapse

When making a fashion transition, especially a major one, it’ll be hard not to run to your comfort zone clothes when things get uncomfy. Don’t go back to your boots, stand proud in those heels! Chin up, back straight, booty popped. Embrace the looks and compliments on your new style because it’s YOU and literally nothing could be better than that.

Have you found your personal style? Describe it down below!

Top: C.F Goldman

Shorts: Vintage Levi’s

Shoes: Forever 21

Bag: Forever 21



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