alexis the g

Faith, Fashion & Five Year Plans w/ Rapper Braxton #MeetTheG

I am extremely pleased to announce the latest feature on Alexis the G called #MeetTheG where we highlight a Girl boss who is breaking the glass ceiling and inspiring other women! This week we interviewed Braxton, a young Entrepreneur from Richmond, heading into her first year at Clark Atlanta University! Let’s meet the G… 

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AG: Who is Braxton?

B: Wow, how do I answer this without writing a book? Let’s see. Braxton is… that girl everyone observes for a while trying to figure out how they feel about her. Her presence is striking, yet her spirit is gentle. Her favorite number is three. So let’s try three with A, B, and C. Brax is assertive, anointed, and authentic. Brax is bold. Brax is bossy. Brax is blessed. She is charisma, she is compassion, she is confidence. Braxton is innovative, a creative, who is eager to live out her full potential. God-fearing, gifted, and go-getting… Braxton is ready. 

AG: Your style is very daring, most girls wouldn’t be confident enough to rock 8-inch heels to school! How do you maintain your confidence?

B: Daring, thank you! I like that. I realized at a young age what “type of girl” I was. I loved expressing myself through my clothes and on the stage. Any lover of spotlight must be confident. The world winds of life are deterrent enough, I can’t let insecurities hinder my success… that’ll take one over the ledge. 

AG: You’re not the typical fashionista, you’re a woman of many talents, including dancing. What keeps you inspired?

B: This may sound cliche, but my mother. She is and forever will be my #1 inspiration for numerous reasons. If it wasn’t for her foundation I wouldn’t be anywhere near as gifted as God blessed me to be. She is my heaven on earth. She gives, and gives, and gives so selflessly to me.. I will forever grind with reimbursement on my mind. I would be STUPID not to push like crazy just to thank her properly. Well pause.. there is no way I could ever adequately thank her. So “thank her the best way I can” I’ll say. 

AG: Where do you see your website, going in the future?

B: I see it becoming something viewers check up on daily. The biggest goal is to turn it into an app. Amazing interviews, amazing style posts, amazing spreads, amazing updates, amazing deals on clothes, etc. Daily. 

AG: You have accomplished so much at such a young age. What career advice would you give someone who is having trouble reaching their goals?

B: Pray, persist, and persevere. 

AG: Where do you see yourself within the next five years?

B: At 22 years old I see myself………. I truly have no idea. I’m letting the Lord lead me. 

AG: You always seem put together, whether the event is prom or just going to class. What fashion advice would you give someone who wants to look chic at all times?
B: Omg, all these compliments! I’m blushing wow thank you! This is key: YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU MAY SEE! You’re having an off day and boom you see Beyoncé. What are you going to say? “Omg Beyoncé I wish you came on my birthday! I looked so good that day.” No. You’re going to look good everyday so that when you see Beyoncé your like “Oh hey girl cute shoes. Mine too? Thanks. Pic?” I’m not saying body-cons and gowns everyday, but I am hinting towards feeling your best everyday. 
P.S.- heels make all the difference. 
AG: If you could give other women any words of wisdom, what would it be?
B: Even if you feel like no one is seeing you, keep working your butt off. The world needs people like you. Clap for yourself now, you’ll get a standing ovation later. 
AG: What can the readers look forward to coming from Braxton this year?
B: Hmm, I’ll be a freshy in college this year so who really knows. Keep looking forward though, I know I’ll have some tricks to pull out of my sleeve. I think ideas up one day, work on them that night, and release them the next day. So we’ll see.
AG: Any final thoughts you want the readers to know about you?
B: I cannot describe how being interviewed makes me feel, nor can I sufficiently thank you for interviewing little ol’ me. What I can say though is: things like this leave me feeling closer to my calling. And that’s a mighty, mighty fulfilling feeling. Thank you. 
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