And Just Like That… it’s 2022

And Just Like That… it’s 2022

I know, you’re rolling your eyes at the Sex and the City reference, but it’s nice to have our gals back! They’re essentially our generations Golden Girls #RIPBettyWhite. I appreciate how all the characters are either growing, the one thing we all strive for each year, or being forced to grow and can’t we all relate? Whether it’s just a t.v show or having vulnerable conversations with my friends, it’s nice to be reminded that life isn’t a constant highlight reel of wins. To be honest, last year didn’t start off great for me, I was basically still recovering from 2020 LOL. That was the case until exactly halfway through the year when I violently broke my pinky bone & what seems like a hole in the space time continuum. Nothing was the same. Spending almost 2 months in a cast during peak NYC summer will have you rethinking a few things. All of a sudden the year flew into fast forward like that remote control movie with Adam Sandler. You know the one. The pace at which my life started moving was terrifyingly rapid. Everything from my relationship dynamics to my career goals was changing. Really though, it was me that was changing and every other aspect of my life followed suit.

It’s true what they say about growth or “leveling up”. The universe will force you to change whether you like it or not & clinging to old things just makes it harder. I don’t know if it was by force or by choice but 2021 was the year I genuinely, finally stopped caring and began to happily welcome change. I stopped caring so much about what people thought of me or comparing myself to a version of me that doesn’t yet exist. I stopped missing old people, places and things. I started welcoming the new, no matter how anxiety inducing it was, because I understood ultimately it was all for my best good. For me, that meant embracing myself unapologetically & in what seemed like an overnight change (spoiler alert: it wasn’t!) I began attracting more of what I deserve. I learned to take things day by day and to be grateful for where I’m at presently. I also began to produce content that was more “me”, rooted in the things I genuinely enjoy and want to produce rather than what “the people” want to see. My instagram engagement plummeted but I was happy! It sounds like something you read in a self-help book but hey, those things are popular for a reason. Unlocking the key to accessing my best self was as simple as saying “fuck it”.

I’m not trying to preach about how 2021 changed my life and how 2022 will be perfect, because it won’t be and that’s my point. What 2021 taught me is that shit gets real in life, and you gotta keep pushing forward! You have to do what’s best for you. This blog post didn’t go up on January 1st for a reason and that’s simply because I wasn’t ready. I took my time to ease into this new year rather than dive in, that’s what having grace with myself looks like for me. So, my “theme” for 2022 is onward & upward. I can’t change the past, the fact that we’re still very much in a pandemic or that life will continue throwing curveballs. All I can do is accept, adapt and move forward. While this year will be centered around me (as it should) I also understand the importance of community. So 2022 will also be a lot about nurturing the relationships in my life and discerning which relationships deserve my energy. As I’m rooting deeper into my late twenties I can no longer avoid being disciplined in all aspects of my life. The time I prioritize for my mental health, self-care and downtime is vital as well, not to mention I deserve. Okay? So I intend on mastering the balance between discipline and self-preservation, in a way that works for me.

2022 feels very fresh to me, that’s really the only way I can describe it. Like a cool shower on a hot summer day, or writing in a brand new journal. It’s exciting! I’ll be popping out in more looks this year, dancing more, kissing more (actually…. Omarion is still going wild), traveling the world, reading so much, like the absolute most ever. Writing, a lot. Cooking for my loved ones. The list goes on but truly, I just want to do a whole lot more of whatever I love and share some of that joy with you all.

I’m so excited for this year friend, and I hope you are too. The opportunities are quite literally limitless. I’m wishing you so much peace, blessings & abundance this year. I can’t wait to see what’s in store. Cheers to 2022 Gs!